Tuesday 10 May 2016

Good morning team,
Well, to start, it was nice having some of the boys back together again. hopefully this is a trend for the remainder of the year. to all players that came out yesterday, great effort all around. First outdoor day for us and at the beginning it showed a little but by the end, the group was looking much more consistent. as you know, the courts are in an open field, more or less, with the pool up now it does help a little bit but in general, the courts at orc are windier then most. yesterday was a fairly calm day but in general, be prepared to have the extra challenge of wind while out here. we discussed yesterday the different ways to deal with these conditions and for those who missed it, we will continue to do so today. reminder this week , that the second bubble is coming down and we will be outdoors and on fewer courts, this might lead to an extra fitness session during practice, like we did on Monday, it may also alter practice depending on weather conditions. come prepared for anything. bring layers to help with the changing drill intensities and bring sunscreen as we face the sun for the whole session. on Tuesday we will continue to focus on volume and positioning to the ball. we will be discussing and focusing on the difference between moving to the ball and adjusting to the ball.
in short; one is about getting to the ball, the other is about being  there and looking to have the best position to strike the ball. serving will also be a big focus on the day. there is a big difference in how you can work your serve outdoors and how to deal with  the sun and how to use the wind while serving. lastly, bring lots of water with you, more then normal, with the sun and warmer weather, dehydration comes in quicker and thirst is more frequent and also there is no water fountain nearby so we don't want to waste a lot of time running in and out of the club for water. also, with the extra wind, we will not be allowing water cups on the courts as they are falling over to often.
thanks everyone, look forward to a great week, working hard, playing outdoors and getting the tan back!!!

Tour Team.

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